Sunday, November 18, 2007

Some musings about the Earth

I'm one of the head writers of a tv show. I can't tell you which one, my colleagues do not know how far my love for Earth goes, but you have most likely watched at least one episode I've written. It's probably your favourite show. I've won awards
The WGA keeps telling people that not everyone makes as much money as I show in my latest video. This is obviously true. But there are several things wrong with the argument "most writers only sell 1 or 2 scripts every couple of years."

1. It is very easy to get into Hollywood once you have your connections. If you're a struggling writers chances are you're an idiot and you suck, which is why no one wants your script, or you don't know how to play the game.

2. If you only sell a few scripts every few years you actually shouldn't be a member of the WGA. Not every WGA member is equal. But they'll take you anyway because they take your money.

3. It's no use telling someone unemployable that they can make $4 million when they can't get the job in the first place. I can tell you that I'll pay you one million dollars for doing a job, but since you can't do the job, it doesn't matter if I pay you one million dollars or a nickel.

It hurts Earth when everyone says 'but look at how much money the studio makes'. My sister, a lawyer, makes less money every year than I do on residuals alone. My income from residuals makes her look poor. Are you telling me it's a crime now for studios to make more money? I am happy with the amount I am making. I am not greedy. This makes me the enemy among my co-workers

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